
பயனுள்ள விண்டோஸ் 7 சோர்ட் கீகள்

Win+Home: Clear all but the active window

Win+Space: All windows become transparent so you can see through to the desktop

Win+Up arrow: Maximize the active window
Win+Down arrow: Minimize the active window or restore the window if it's maximized

Win+Left/Right arrows: Dock the active window to each side of the monitor

Win+Shift+Left/Right arrows: If you've got dual monitors, this will move the active
window to the adjacent monitor

Win+T: Shift focus to and scroll through items on the taskbar

Win+P: Adjust presentation settings for your display

Win+(+/-): Zoom in/out

Shift+Click a taskbar item: Open a new instance of that particular application

Alt+F4 :- Close the active window

Alt+Tab :- Switch to previous active window

Alt+Esc :- Cycle through all open windows

Win+Tab :- Flip 3D

Ctrl+Win+Tab :- Persistent Flip 3D

Win+M :- Minimize all open windows

Win+Shift+M :- Undo all window minimization

Ctrl + Shift + N Create new folder

Win+D :- Toggle showing the desktop

Win + L Lock Computer

Shift + Delete Permanently delete the selected item

Plus Sign (+) Zoom in or resize the picture thumbnail

Minus Sign (-) Zoom out or resize the picture thumbnail

Alt + Left Arrow Go back

Alt + Right Arrow Go forward

Ctrl + F Open the Fix pane

Ctrl + P Print the selected picture

Ctrl + I Open or close the Details pane

Ctrl + B Best fit

Ctrl + E Search for an item

Ctrl + Period (.) Rotate the picture clockwise

Ctrl + Comma (,) Rotate the picture counter-clockwise

Ctrl + Mouse scroll wheel Change the size of the picture thumbnail

Win + B Move focus to notification tray (the right-most portion of the taskbar)

Win + D Show/Hide desktop

Win + E Windows Explorer is launched

Win + F Search

Win + G Bring all gadgets on top and foreground

NUM LOCK for five seconds Open the Ease of Access Center

SHIFT five times Turn Sticky Keys on or off

Left ALT+left SHIFT+NUM LOCK Turn Mouse Keys on or off

Win + U Cycle through all open windows

Right SHIFT for eight seconds Turn Filter Keys on and off

Left ALT+left SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN (or PRTSCRN) Turn High Contrast on or off

Alt + F4 Close the active window

Alt + Spacebar Open the shortcut menu for the active window

Alt + Enter Open the Properties window of the current selection

Alt + Tab Switch to previous active window

Alt + Esc Cycle through all open windows

Win + Right Arrow + Enter Shutdown

Win + Right Arrow + Right Arrow + W Switch users

Win + Right Arrow + Right Arrow + R Restart

Win + Right Arrow + Right Arrow + S Sleep

Alt + D Move focus to address bar

Alt + P Show/hide the preview panel

Ctrl + N Open a new window

Alt + Left Arrow Go back

Alt + Right Arrow Go forward

Alt + Up Arrow Go up a directory

Ctrl + Mousewheel Change the view type (extra large, small, list view, detail, etc.)

Num Lock + Asterisk (*) on numeric keypad Display all subfolders under the selected

Num Lock + Plus Sign (+) on numeric keypad Display the contents of the selected folder

Num Lock + Minus Sign (+) on numeric keypad Collapse the selected folder

Posted by Theepan on 11:58. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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